Thursday, December 30, 2010


I'm not going to fill in all the details about my "escape/flee" from China just yet, you will just have to purchase my forthcoming memoir, which I have not yet even begun to write, but trust me, I'll get around to it. I think it's best for now, for emotional reasons and other, if we just skip over all the bull shit. Don't get me wrong, it's incredibly interesting and climactic, but it's way to intense for me to look objectively at for the moment. We are at the part when the climactic bullshit has slowly fizzled out, and now we are beginning to establish some semblance of normalcy again. There's also the pretty scene where the main character falls in love. [I love the fact that this blog reads like a screen play, and it definitely follows the Odyssian model.]

In the past week, I moved in with a friend and found a job. That's the highly synopsized version. What happened between getting fired from my last job and now, is a shit load of bull shit, and it's way too complicated to get into at the moment. You'll just have to wait, and if you want it faster, you will have to pester me to write more stuff.

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