Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is what I know happened

Nobody will tell you anything here, so this is what I have figured out from the clues that I have put together and now everything adds up:

On Monday morning, I called my assistant Darren and told him I was sick. He said to come in anyway, and I told him that technically I could come in but then I would just be sick at school and unable to do my job.

In order to satisfy the school, Darren told the school I would be there. When I never showed up, the school called Jolin, 0ne of the higher-ups within the company, and said the teacher never came. Then, when Jolin asked Darren if Margit called in, in order to cover his own ass, he lied and said Margit never called in.

One thing led to the next and when Darren showed up at my door out of no where to take me to a restaurant to tell me that the company decided to terminate my contract, you could see it in his twitchy face that he knew he'd fucked up. And everything was highly suspicious.

In my contract, it said that I must call in if I'm sick, and I am allowed up to thirty days sick leave before they have the grounds to fire me for being sick. If I don't show up at all and don't call in, the company has grounds to terminate the contract after TWO days.

How many days did I miss? 2. And Darren lied. It makes perfect sense to me. This is not some corrupt company, it is one corrupt liar of a man named Darren!

And when Darren told me that they terminated the contract, and I said, "well you have to pay me my breach penalty right?" and he got this look of shock on his face, I knew something was up.

He knows what he did, and he feels guilty as fuck for doing it because the school really did like me, and he's scared, because now he knows that his ass is on the line.

And now, my dad has helped me get my ass out of here, when I am sick, and have almost no money, and have almost no options, and so beyond desperate and helpless in this foreign fucking country, and so far beyond frustration, and so far beyond ting bu fucking dong, that I have reached absolute enlightenment, but still, for Darren, and the company, to allow this to happen to me is so far beyond grounds for a lawsuit, it would be retarded not to pursue it.

I will go tomorrow, and see if they can give me some sort of a settlement so that I will not sue, and then maybe I will be able to pay my dad back the money I owe him, for getting me here, and now getting me out of here. We'll see.

"The parents complained" my ass!

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